Porta insegna da terra

CHF 169.00 CHF 198.00

Colore: Nero

Il Portasignali da terra è un'esposizione di menu doppia faccia, perfetta per l'ingresso della tua attività. Usalo per accogliere i visitatori, mostrare le offerte speciali o fornire indicazioni all'interno del tuo spazio.

 Progettato per tenere in modo sicuro le stampe A4 tra due fogli di acrilico.

 Facilmente modificabile per aggiornamenti rapidi.

Nota: Questo segnale non è impermeabile, quindi ti consigliamo di tenerlo al chiuso o di evitare l'uso in condizioni di bagnato.


Sign: 8.6"/22cm (W) x 11.8"/30cm (H)
Height:44.8"/113.7cm (H)
Material: Aluminum, Acrylic
Weight: 6.6lbs/3kg

Domande frequenti

How big is the faceplate on the Standing Sign Holder?

The faceplate for the Poster Sign Menu Holder is 8.6"/22cm (W) x 11.8"/30cm (H) x .5"/1.2cm (D).

What size paper fits the Standing Sign Holder?

The Menu Holder fits A4 paper, 8.26"/21cm x 11.69"/29.7cm.

Can I use both sides of the Standing Sign Holder?

Yes, you can! The Sign face contains 2 x clear acrylic sheets to slot your menu between to read on both sides of the standing sign.

Do paper or card menus come with the Standing Sign Holder?

The sign holders do not come with cards or paper menus, but they're very easy to have printed at your local stationery store and can be cut to size as per the sign holder dimensions above.

Can the Standing Sign Holders be used outdoors?

The sign stand can be used outdoors however, it is not waterproof & therefore can not be left outdoors in wet conditions.

Is the Standing Sign Holder magnetic?

No, the menu stands are not magnetic but the Table Talkers are compatible with magnets.

What material is the Standing Sign Holder made from?

The sign stands are made from aluminum.

What other menu holder options does George & Willy sell?

We also sell the Counter Signs, the Standing Counter Signs, the Tabletop Sign, the Circle Sign, and the Card Counter Signs for something a little different. Have a look at our complete Tabletop Collection for more.