Cartello a forma di A.

CHF 322.00 CHF 378.00

Colore: Bianco

 Trasforma il tuo negozio con il nostro tocco moderno sul classico pannello sandwich. Realizzato in alluminio resistente alla ruggine, questo cartello A-Frame è progettato per resistere a qualsiasi condizione atmosferica. L'A-frame è pieghevole per una facile conservazione e ogni cartello include sia ganci in ottone che ganci coordinati colorati. Consegnato vuoto, è pronto per il tuo branding.


Sign Face: 18"/46cm (W) x 18"/46cm (H)

Assembled Sign: 24"/61cm (W) x 30"/74cm (H)

Material: Aluminum

Weight: 11lbs/5kgs

*Includes both Bronze + matching-coloured straps.

Suitable for outdoor use.

Domande frequenti

Is the faceplate on the A-Frame Sandwich Board magnetic?

The faceplate supplied with the A-Frame Sign is not magnetic, but we also sell a magnetic faceplate here.

Does the A-Frame Sign fold-up for easy storage?

Yes, the sandwich board is designed to fold down, making it easy to pack away at the end of each day.

Does every sign come with brass straps?

Yes, every A-Frame sign includes two sets of straps to choose from, 1 is a brass set and the other is the same colour as the sign you have chosen. 

Does the A-Frame Sandwich Board arrive branded?

All of our signage arrives blank, but we offer advice on powder-coating and decal printing for creating custom signs tailored to your needs. 

Can I use a pen on the shop sign?

We would not recommend using any kind of pen on the A-Frame Sign. To add a decal, get in touch with your local signwriter who will be able to help.

Is the A-Frame Sign suitable for high wind areas?

The sidewalk A-frame Sign is suitable for low to mid wind areas, but if you are concerned, we recommend purchasing the sandbags to go with your A-Frame Sign, available here

What other names do people use to describe the A-Frame Sign?

Depending on what country you are in, people use all sorts of different names, including the metal sandwich board, metal A-frame sign, sandwich board, sidewalk sign, street sign, Aframe sign, or pavement sign.

What other A-Frame Sign or Sandwich Board options does George & Willy sell?

For other sandwich boards, we also sell the Large Sidewalk Sign, the Letter Sidewalk Sign, the Chalk Sandwich Board, and for something a little different, the lollipop-style Standing Sign is a great option. We also have some new exciting ones in the mix coming soon - sign yourself up to our mailer to keep in the loop with these at the bottom of this page.

What other shop sign options does George & Willy sell?

We also sell the Round Sign, Square Panel Sign, and Blade Sign collection for outdoor, wall-mounted signage. The Big Round Sign and Round Light Box Sign are great options too.

Installazione facile

Il cartello A-frame viene fornito con tutto l'hardware necessario per far funzionare il tuo segnale il più rapidamente possibile.


Realizzato in alluminio, il cartello A-Frame non arrugginirà mai, rendendolo il miglior cartello per il tuo negozio.

Accenti in ottone

Aggiungi un tocco di lusso sobrio al tuo marciapiede con cinghie in ottone sul tuo cartello A-Frame.