Rechteckige Klingenbeschilderung

€107,95 EUR €126,95

Farbe: Schwarz

TDer perfekte wandmontierte Wegweiser für Ihre Badezimmer. Ein minimalistisches Metallschild, gut verarbeitet und langlebig. Erhältlich in verschiedenen Formen und Größen. „Um auf Ihre Toilette hinzuweisen, sind die gefalteten Metallschilder so gestaltet, dass sie in jeden Raum passen.“ Unbedruckt geliefert, ist es bereit für Ihr Branding.

Das Rechteck Klingenzeichen ist einer von sieben verschiedene Formen und Größen von Toilettenschildern im Blade Sign RangeFür weitere Schilder an der Ladenfront werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser Sortiment an Wandschilder


Sign Face: 17.32”/44cm (L) x 5.70”/14.5cm (W)
Wall Bracket: 5.70”/14.5cm (L) x 1.96”/5cm (W)
Material: Aluminium
Weight: 3.3lbs/1.5kgs

Suitable for indoor & outdoor use.


What is the Bathroom Sign made from?

The Restroom Sign is made from folded aluminum metal, which is weatherproof and rust-resistant, so it's fine to use outdoors and in exterior spaces.

What else might the Bathroom Sign be called?

Depending on where you are in the world, the Blade Sign may be called a bent metal sign, a restroom sign, an office sign, coffee sign, a bathroom sign, toilet sign, or a metal wall sign. 

What other shapes are included in the Blade Sign range?

The Bathroom Sign range features a range of shapes, sizes, and colors, including the Diamond, Rectangle, Small Square, Square, Arrow, and Vertical. Take a look at the full range here -  metal business signs.

What other shop sign or blade sign options does George & Willy sell?

We sell a range of Wall Signs, including the Half Round Sign, Large Store Sign, and for something a little different, the Round Light Box Sign for an illuminated sign. For Freestanding Signage, we also have the Stake Circle Sign, Standing Circle Sign, and Rounded Sidewalk Sign. Take a look at our full range of business signs here, and join our mailing list at the bottom of this page to find out when we launch new products!