Großes Ladenschild

€417,95 EUR €522,95


Ein verfeinertes, maßgeschneidertes Schild für den Außenbereich, mit einem Hauch von Nostalgie. Etwas größer als unser ursprüngliches Store Sign, ist das Large Store Sign im Verhältnis zu Räumen gestaltet, die Maßstab erfordern. Inspiriert von großen hängenden Halteschildern, ist dies eine zeitlose Ergänzung für Ihre Ladenfront. Unbedruckt geliefert, ist es bereit für Ihr Branding.

Technische Daten

Sign Face: 31.5"/80cm (L) x 21.8"/55cm (W)
Mounting Rod Length: 37.6"/95cm
Material: Aluminum
Weight: 30.8lbs/14kgs

*Includes wood & concrete screws.
Suitable for outdoor use.


Does the Large Store Sign come with screws for mounting?

Yes, the Large Store Sign comes with screws for mounting into concrete or wooden surfaces.

Is the shopfront sign weatherproof?

The large general store sign was designed to be installed outdoors, but the sign may swing in windy conditions, so be sure to take this into consideration when choosing where to install it. Being made from aluminum, the large store sign is also weatherproof, resistant to rust, and suitable for coastal areas.

Is the outdoor store sign faceplate magnetic?

The exterior shop sign's faceplate is constructed from aluminum, which is not compatible with magnets.

Can I use a pen on the custom outdoor business sign?

We would not recommend using any kind of pen on the Large Store Sign. To add a decal, get in touch with your local signwriter who will be able to help.

Does logo printing come with the large custom outdoor sign?

No, we sell our signs as blank and we don't provide a signwriting service. Your local signwriter will be able to make and apply a vinyl adhesive to the store sign.

What other Large Custom Outdoor Signs or Blade Sign options does George & Willy sell?

For more outdoor wall sign options, take a look at the Store Sign, Round Sign, Flag Sign, or Square Panel Sign. For something a little bigger, check out the Big Round Sign, or for something smaller, the Circle Sign. For sidewalk, footpath, or pavement options, see the A-Frame Sign, Welcome Sign, and Chalk Sandwich Board.